March 14, 2011


What did you think of the Design 200 course this quarter?

I, personally felt that I learned a lot from the course. I enjoyed coming to class everyday to learn something new. The fact that we did not have weekly quizzes or tests was just another plus to the class. I mean, tests and stuff are good for memorizing things (which that's what I do every time) and not really caring about the subject. But just having the homework assignments were plenty of work for the class along with the piles of studying for other classes that I did not enjoy as much.

Favorite class: would have to be the times we actually go to interact with the class. The grouping projects were great and I love working in groups and doing things in class (Marshmallow project....loved it) 

Most boring/least favorite class topic: was the lectures about things that I already knew/heard about before. I know it's a beginning class and I am still a beginner but lectures just are not for me. Less talk the better for me.

The readings: ehhhhhh I hate reading unless it's telling me how to do something. I mean I guess in a way it was telling me "how to.." but not going to lie... sooo boring, maybe that's just me though. Nothing personal.

Favorite Project: I like taking pictures and pretending that I have some photographic skill, so the partner project with the scavenger hunt was a lot of fun. Also, the projects of "Finding Faces/Letters"-- yeeeah good project because now that's all I find myself doing now in life/in general... is looking for faces in things and what looks like letters and feel the need to take a picture every time now.... yeah so thanks for that haha.

Least Favorite Project: Would definitely have to be the research projects, I am not the one to look up information about people and things that I simply do not have interest in so in that subject I slack.

But all in all it was a really good class and I had a lot of fun taking the course. I would definitely recommend the course to anyone who has an interest in design or just wants to have a class to broaden their choices in their career because when I went into the year, I really did not know what exactly I wanted to do in life and was in between going in design or just the arts field. Well I've learned that they are COMPLETELY different. I have come to conclusion of design being more for me and what exactly I would enjoy learning about.