March 14, 2011


What did you think of the Design 200 course this quarter?

I, personally felt that I learned a lot from the course. I enjoyed coming to class everyday to learn something new. The fact that we did not have weekly quizzes or tests was just another plus to the class. I mean, tests and stuff are good for memorizing things (which that's what I do every time) and not really caring about the subject. But just having the homework assignments were plenty of work for the class along with the piles of studying for other classes that I did not enjoy as much.

Favorite class: would have to be the times we actually go to interact with the class. The grouping projects were great and I love working in groups and doing things in class (Marshmallow project....loved it) 

Most boring/least favorite class topic: was the lectures about things that I already knew/heard about before. I know it's a beginning class and I am still a beginner but lectures just are not for me. Less talk the better for me.

The readings: ehhhhhh I hate reading unless it's telling me how to do something. I mean I guess in a way it was telling me "how to.." but not going to lie... sooo boring, maybe that's just me though. Nothing personal.

Favorite Project: I like taking pictures and pretending that I have some photographic skill, so the partner project with the scavenger hunt was a lot of fun. Also, the projects of "Finding Faces/Letters"-- yeeeah good project because now that's all I find myself doing now in life/in general... is looking for faces in things and what looks like letters and feel the need to take a picture every time now.... yeah so thanks for that haha.

Least Favorite Project: Would definitely have to be the research projects, I am not the one to look up information about people and things that I simply do not have interest in so in that subject I slack.

But all in all it was a really good class and I had a lot of fun taking the course. I would definitely recommend the course to anyone who has an interest in design or just wants to have a class to broaden their choices in their career because when I went into the year, I really did not know what exactly I wanted to do in life and was in between going in design or just the arts field. Well I've learned that they are COMPLETELY different. I have come to conclusion of design being more for me and what exactly I would enjoy learning about.

March 2, 2011


I was not able to make it to class for the lecture and most importantly the group meeting, but I did take some notes on the slide show and the project A05 itself. Basically what I got from the notes were that each group is making their own product for the company, Coleman's, in which we call it Product X in the making. I am assuming that "Coleman's" is a made up company and we (the students) are the designers for the company.

From some of the J07 that I did I have some what of an idea of where my group could possibly go with the project. But after today's lecture I will be able to get more of a grasp on things and what is going on.


Through out the past couple of meetings that we have had, I feel like we have accomplished a decent amount of work. We first started with about 5 different designs and ideas, pretty much 1 per team mate.

  1. The 3-n-1, electric knife, mixer and can opener
  2. The wireless stereo
  3. The water filter with flavoring 
  4. The lamp with wall attactment
  5. The cooling refrigerater that is cooled by thermal coating and cold water. 
The ideas were all pretty good ideas but yet we had to come up with a solid idea that would have to pretain to a certain group of people or a certain age group.

We then decided to go towards college kids, because who knows college kids better than actual college kiddies themselves.  So we then had a target...

February 21, 2011


The recent chapters that we were supposed to read were Chapters 4-6. I actually enjoyed these last couple chapters and I'm not really sure why. I think I mostly enjoyed the 4th chapter the most.

"Waste Equals Food"

then to chapter 5 in "Respect Diversity"

and lastly in the 6th chapter "Putting Eco-Effectiveness into Practice"

As I have been ranting about my Dad working for SWACO and their effect and practice into the environment falls right into place with what McDonough is talking about in the these last couple chapters. I really agree with their arguement and think that without a start to the process the earth is no longer exist very soon, or that is the way it is seeming to fall to. Although I wish I could do more with researching and actually experiencing some actual activities that goes on in SWACO, it's still kind of winter but I defintately plan on attending some interviews, tours, meetings etc in the near spring.


The NorthFace

At the North Face Company they specialize in outdoor skiing gear and coats used for winter sports and recreational sporting wear. Usually they are most popular for casual wear and sports such as sledding ans skiing.


This is a retail store that sports the hunting, shooting, fishing, camping and etc outdoor activities. This retail store is most popular with guys and a place to get outdoor camping utensils.

Bass Pro Shops Outdoors

Similar to the Cabela's outdoor retail store the Bass Pro shop sells and advertises for sporting good such as hunting and fishing.

Dunham's Sports

Dunham's Sports has a variety of sporting equipment for fitness and training for the indoors and outdoors. Sports for such as track, cross country and even football, baseball and etc.

M C Sports

Also similar to Dunham's Sport, M C Sports is a smaller retail store that sells indoor and outdoor sporting gear for just about any type of sporting event held outdoors. 

Dick's Sporting Goods

Dick's Sporting Goods is a much larger chain of retail stores that sell the most variety of outdoor gear. In those retail stores they held such names as The North Face and etc.

I found a wedsite called Real Goods "Solar Living since 1978" It's a retail wedsite that sells indoor air quality and climate controllers. It's known for use of better eco household items. I know about this website because my parents use it when renavateing our house to make it more eco friendly. Although their prices may not be as low as other stores such as Wallmart, Kmart, Lowes etc but the quality and life time warently makes the difference.

Some of the more popular indoor goods retailers are places like Ashley Furniture, Kittle's Furniture, Coconis Furniture and etc. At these retailers you can find indoor home goods such as any type of furniture for any room of the house verying in different name brands and quailites. Also these retailers are just some that are around the Ohio area.

One that I found searching the web was Lehman's Furniture. This one seems to have not only indoor goods but different types that would not be found at any ordinary furniture store. It has more of an outdoorsy feel, even though they are made to reside inside.


The previous lecture was very short and consisted of watching a couple short films. But the previous class lecture was the Guest Speakers from Tentative. I really enjoyed what they came to present. The marshmallow game was an interesting game. The team that I was was not a winner, although we did have a great design. It was kind of like a tower design. Through some of the things that I learned from the just the guest speakers were

  • The hard work pays off in a lot of fun and something that you actually want to do.
  • Traveling helps in the whole learning process
  • The amount of sleep that does not happen (not like I get any now)
  • Design is fun

    Of course the game was the most fun and interesting part of their presentation but the guys themselves seemed very interesting and all around fun people. And really who doesn't love people, right?!

February 15, 2011


Design & Color


  1. The first video describes the designing on logos and how to design one even if it is in black and white.

    The second and the third both our parts of a demonstration of choosing the correct color of a home of business, this could be very helpful in the interior space design aspect.

    Design in Color

    This is actually another blog that I found that is a creative director and founder of the modern funk home furnishings and lifestyle company Laidback. The Laidback company can be found in another blog that the creator developed. Try the Link. Laidback. It seems to be more of a home decorating blog rather than a design blog, yet has a life of color and her own design within the blog.

    Design Notes: Color

    This is a basic website that I found on Google. This just tells the basic rules of color and their elements (which we already should know) But it's good to have the guidlines still around just incase of a unpredictable moment of forgetfulness.

    The topic of Design and Color could possibly be my favorite out of the topics. The fact that it sounds easy isn't correct with the corralation of the topic. But I find it very interesting how the topic of color works to the viewer eye. The eye of the viewer and they way they feel and react to the a color scheme is the most important part. In the link of  the Design Notes: Color they put it into basic simple terms of how people can react to different schemes of color, which we have learned this in class. The review that I enjoyed the most and will probably continue to keep up with is the blog on Design in Color. It is very new and bright with a background of black which keeps me focused and looking at her designs and colors and not the design of the website itself.