January 31, 2011



Hasket CH 7-8 

In chapter 7 he talked about cultural boundaries of designing. The example i paid most attention to were the defending of the tradition with old and new BT telephone kiosks. Although in the United States today, we rarely have telephone kiosks except the larger cities such as New York. But they are still the traditional pay phones that have been around for years. The older ones like they showed in the pictures are common in Europe, the style that is. The traditional style is attractive to people that would not normally see a red box kiosk with windows in it. The newer ones look completely different and sort of up to date but i think they are less attractive in a sense of design. Which this is when the cultural boundaries come in to play. 

Chapter 7 quote: Cultural identity is not fixed, like a fly in amber, but is constantly evolving and mutating, and design is a primary element in stimulating the awareness of possibilities. 

In chapter 8 he discussed the system of design, such things like keyboards road signs etc. One thing that i understood from this chapter was that in different cultures and places they work and read differently than the United States. Which consists of navigating through the  city or town differently than here. So the design of their road signs are going to have to be read through a way that they can under stand. One of the pictures that they showed in the book was a sign used in Hong Kong and it had so much writing on the road sign that I couldn't even piece together what it could even possibly say. The design of that road sign was so that the people of Hong Kong will understand it before an American could. Basically a small example of the system of coping with diversity.