February 7, 2011


In Wednesday's lecture we talked about Color (weeee). But no really, I actually enjoyed the lecture. Because I already knew about most of the topic but learned a little at the same time. (I love that because it makes the student feel smart when it's a type of review).

Okay, so I went a little over board on my RR05. So I am going to make this short and sweet. The videos at the end could use some help, except the last two. Not to offend you! I hope not to anyway, but I don't know what it is about extended amounts of talking but it just sends me into "not paying attention land". Except the last two videos. They were sweet, got right to the point and actually had great products. 

  • The water bottle = freaking awesome and I really want to get it. It would save not only the grocery bill each month on having to buy cases of purified water from Kroger. AND saving from using the plastic from those water bottles and wrappers etc. The most important part is that people in other countries that are suffering and dieing without clean water CAN actually purify their own water. That just makes me REALLY happy! :)
  • The incubator, also awesome idea. The little wrap with the wax used to keep pre-mature babies warm until they grow stronger is so clever. Love that idea and hope it follows through.