March 14, 2011


What did you think of the Design 200 course this quarter?

I, personally felt that I learned a lot from the course. I enjoyed coming to class everyday to learn something new. The fact that we did not have weekly quizzes or tests was just another plus to the class. I mean, tests and stuff are good for memorizing things (which that's what I do every time) and not really caring about the subject. But just having the homework assignments were plenty of work for the class along with the piles of studying for other classes that I did not enjoy as much.

Favorite class: would have to be the times we actually go to interact with the class. The grouping projects were great and I love working in groups and doing things in class (Marshmallow project....loved it) 

Most boring/least favorite class topic: was the lectures about things that I already knew/heard about before. I know it's a beginning class and I am still a beginner but lectures just are not for me. Less talk the better for me.

The readings: ehhhhhh I hate reading unless it's telling me how to do something. I mean I guess in a way it was telling me "how to.." but not going to lie... sooo boring, maybe that's just me though. Nothing personal.

Favorite Project: I like taking pictures and pretending that I have some photographic skill, so the partner project with the scavenger hunt was a lot of fun. Also, the projects of "Finding Faces/Letters"-- yeeeah good project because now that's all I find myself doing now in life/in general... is looking for faces in things and what looks like letters and feel the need to take a picture every time now.... yeah so thanks for that haha.

Least Favorite Project: Would definitely have to be the research projects, I am not the one to look up information about people and things that I simply do not have interest in so in that subject I slack.

But all in all it was a really good class and I had a lot of fun taking the course. I would definitely recommend the course to anyone who has an interest in design or just wants to have a class to broaden their choices in their career because when I went into the year, I really did not know what exactly I wanted to do in life and was in between going in design or just the arts field. Well I've learned that they are COMPLETELY different. I have come to conclusion of design being more for me and what exactly I would enjoy learning about.

March 2, 2011


I was not able to make it to class for the lecture and most importantly the group meeting, but I did take some notes on the slide show and the project A05 itself. Basically what I got from the notes were that each group is making their own product for the company, Coleman's, in which we call it Product X in the making. I am assuming that "Coleman's" is a made up company and we (the students) are the designers for the company.

From some of the J07 that I did I have some what of an idea of where my group could possibly go with the project. But after today's lecture I will be able to get more of a grasp on things and what is going on.


Through out the past couple of meetings that we have had, I feel like we have accomplished a decent amount of work. We first started with about 5 different designs and ideas, pretty much 1 per team mate.

  1. The 3-n-1, electric knife, mixer and can opener
  2. The wireless stereo
  3. The water filter with flavoring 
  4. The lamp with wall attactment
  5. The cooling refrigerater that is cooled by thermal coating and cold water. 
The ideas were all pretty good ideas but yet we had to come up with a solid idea that would have to pretain to a certain group of people or a certain age group.

We then decided to go towards college kids, because who knows college kids better than actual college kiddies themselves.  So we then had a target...

February 21, 2011


The recent chapters that we were supposed to read were Chapters 4-6. I actually enjoyed these last couple chapters and I'm not really sure why. I think I mostly enjoyed the 4th chapter the most.

"Waste Equals Food"

then to chapter 5 in "Respect Diversity"

and lastly in the 6th chapter "Putting Eco-Effectiveness into Practice"

As I have been ranting about my Dad working for SWACO and their effect and practice into the environment falls right into place with what McDonough is talking about in the these last couple chapters. I really agree with their arguement and think that without a start to the process the earth is no longer exist very soon, or that is the way it is seeming to fall to. Although I wish I could do more with researching and actually experiencing some actual activities that goes on in SWACO, it's still kind of winter but I defintately plan on attending some interviews, tours, meetings etc in the near spring.


The NorthFace

At the North Face Company they specialize in outdoor skiing gear and coats used for winter sports and recreational sporting wear. Usually they are most popular for casual wear and sports such as sledding ans skiing.


This is a retail store that sports the hunting, shooting, fishing, camping and etc outdoor activities. This retail store is most popular with guys and a place to get outdoor camping utensils.

Bass Pro Shops Outdoors

Similar to the Cabela's outdoor retail store the Bass Pro shop sells and advertises for sporting good such as hunting and fishing.

Dunham's Sports

Dunham's Sports has a variety of sporting equipment for fitness and training for the indoors and outdoors. Sports for such as track, cross country and even football, baseball and etc.

M C Sports

Also similar to Dunham's Sport, M C Sports is a smaller retail store that sells indoor and outdoor sporting gear for just about any type of sporting event held outdoors. 

Dick's Sporting Goods

Dick's Sporting Goods is a much larger chain of retail stores that sell the most variety of outdoor gear. In those retail stores they held such names as The North Face and etc.

I found a wedsite called Real Goods "Solar Living since 1978" It's a retail wedsite that sells indoor air quality and climate controllers. It's known for use of better eco household items. I know about this website because my parents use it when renavateing our house to make it more eco friendly. Although their prices may not be as low as other stores such as Wallmart, Kmart, Lowes etc but the quality and life time warently makes the difference.

Some of the more popular indoor goods retailers are places like Ashley Furniture, Kittle's Furniture, Coconis Furniture and etc. At these retailers you can find indoor home goods such as any type of furniture for any room of the house verying in different name brands and quailites. Also these retailers are just some that are around the Ohio area.

One that I found searching the web was Lehman's Furniture. This one seems to have not only indoor goods but different types that would not be found at any ordinary furniture store. It has more of an outdoorsy feel, even though they are made to reside inside.


The previous lecture was very short and consisted of watching a couple short films. But the previous class lecture was the Guest Speakers from Tentative. I really enjoyed what they came to present. The marshmallow game was an interesting game. The team that I was was not a winner, although we did have a great design. It was kind of like a tower design. Through some of the things that I learned from the just the guest speakers were

  • The hard work pays off in a lot of fun and something that you actually want to do.
  • Traveling helps in the whole learning process
  • The amount of sleep that does not happen (not like I get any now)
  • Design is fun

    Of course the game was the most fun and interesting part of their presentation but the guys themselves seemed very interesting and all around fun people. And really who doesn't love people, right?!

February 15, 2011


Design & Color


  1. The first video describes the designing on logos and how to design one even if it is in black and white.

    The second and the third both our parts of a demonstration of choosing the correct color of a home of business, this could be very helpful in the interior space design aspect.

    Design in Color

    This is actually another blog that I found that is a creative director and founder of the modern funk home furnishings and lifestyle company Laidback. The Laidback company can be found in another blog that the creator developed. Try the Link. Laidback. It seems to be more of a home decorating blog rather than a design blog, yet has a life of color and her own design within the blog.

    Design Notes: Color

    This is a basic website that I found on Google. This just tells the basic rules of color and their elements (which we already should know) But it's good to have the guidlines still around just incase of a unpredictable moment of forgetfulness.

    The topic of Design and Color could possibly be my favorite out of the topics. The fact that it sounds easy isn't correct with the corralation of the topic. But I find it very interesting how the topic of color works to the viewer eye. The eye of the viewer and they way they feel and react to the a color scheme is the most important part. In the link of  the Design Notes: Color they put it into basic simple terms of how people can react to different schemes of color, which we have learned this in class. The review that I enjoyed the most and will probably continue to keep up with is the blog on Design in Color. It is very new and bright with a background of black which keeps me focused and looking at her designs and colors and not the design of the website itself.


Okay, so I think I am getting my posts mixed up or something is wrong with the order of what is being turned in at what time. Because I thought this was supposed to be RR05 because that's what I had a draft saved for then I looked and already had it done? So I started reading Chapters 4-6 and now have two RR06's for Chapters 1-3 and Chapters 4-6 and I was planning on talking about Chapters 4-6 right now, but seeing how I haven't even done 1-3 I am kind of bummed because I liked 4-6 a lot more than 1-3. But sure I'll figure this out..

And before I do anything about what the book was talking about.. In Chapter 1 they talked about the questioning of design and functions etc. Well like I said in my last RR (whichever one that might have been) I wanted to interview my Dad on his job with concerning the Franklin County Waste Corporations. So basically I was wrong about a lot of things and it's not even called that, it's actually a company called SWACO (odd I didn't even know where my dad worked at) But basically he gave me the run down of the Design of their facility and how things are designed just getting ready for the solid waste to arrive. Which if you CLICK on the word "SWACO" it will take you to their organization website on everything that they provide for the county. I don't feel that I should go into detail about it just yet because it fits better with the later chapters or either a different project, and it's really boring text. But anyway..

Chapter 1: To start off with the chapter they go right into the Industrial Revolution. Which is completely fine because I am very interested in that time period. People during the time were not thinking ahead when preparing these huge factories and the toys in the factories or anything that was made during this time period. Which actually started initially in the late 1800's then most in the 1920's and etc. Things were mainly made to last a long time and  without thinking about advancements and change, that is what they did.

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:

February 14, 2011


Pictures of  12 of the 26 letters found in the world....

Upper case "T" on the keyboard. 
Upper case "U" that needed flipped, used from a bike rack.
Upper case "C" found on a McDonalds sign.
An "O" from a Mcsandwich.
Upper case "L" from a bench outside of SEL.
Upper case "V" on the wall, from the tiles at SEL.
Upper case "I" on the tile floor at SEL.

Upper case "H" on an outside air conditioner 

Lower case "b"

Upper case "I", I couldn't get it to rotate vertically. 

Upper case "Y" in the tunnel by the Fine Arts Library.

Another Upper case "L", from the painted cross walks. A street in down town Zanesville.

February 8, 2011


This was the very last lecture, and supposedly the most boring out of all of them. Well I did not think it was boring at all, or maybe it was all the caffeine I had during the day that kept me interested. But learning about Business and Legal issues with Contracts, Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights and etc. I’ve never really knew too much about the difference between a Trademark and a Copyright. Also, I never realized the amount of time in effort (and money) that goes into something that might not even have a chance in the first place. The person conducting anyone of these must obviously have a firm belief that they do, but still it’s a chance that is being taken. So it was interesting nonetheless. 

But the Movie: RiP! A Remix Manifesto
So far this documentary is pretty sweet. It's actually easier to listen to then actually watch, to be completely honest. Watching the scenes and all of the action of some parts takes away from what he is actually saying. He has a lot to say and it's very interesting to listen to, but if I try watching and listening my mind starts wondering and thinking about the people in the video and not what he has to say. Which may be weird, but whatever it works for me. But I mean.. kind of scary hearing about actual people who got charged with Copyright infringement from downloading illegal music. My parents always warn you as a kid to never download music illegally but who listens to their parents these days, seriously?! But no really, I've always had a problem with that system and it just sucks. Like paying a $1.09 on itunes for each song is going to fly.. I don't think so. I can't wait to hear the rest of the movie..


A Trip to the grocery store...  Kroger on 7th and high, aka Kroghetto.

  1. Walking in to the store, the first thing I see is Valentines Day things. I have not been grocery shopping in so long, this is new to me. 
  2. The next thing i notice is the wet floor hazard sign, at 3 angles. Good look, Krogett.
  3. Next, I notice the black and yellow $Price$ signs 
  4. They have a 3 Half isles and the rest are full longer isles. The half isles are for school supplies, cards, etc. 
  5. The 2nd and more flashy display for Valentines Day. Includes: Candy, stuffed Bears with tuxedos on, Wine, etc. 
  6.  Red & Yellow "HOT" deal signs.
  7. The Music playing in the background = R&B/Rap. Nice Kroget
  8. There are bath items next to the pasta? -Lol.
  9. A 'Tailgate Zone' is in the meat section - which is pretty cool, I guess I never really noticed that sign before though. 
  10. There are approx. 15 isles
  11. The colors in the stores seem to vary from Blue and Yellow to Blue and Maroon to Maroon and Forest Green.
  12. Approx. 1 isle is dedicated to each of everything. Such as One isle dedicated to frozen food, canned goods etc.
  13. Boxes up for grabs?
  14. Soda isle. There one whole isle that is dedicated to this terrible drink. This isle is divided up into name brand and generic soda. Also, plastic bottle to glass bottle to cases. But which is better the generic or the name brand? Probably the name brand because it has a prettier label, right?
  15. The floor tile is orange, brown and off white.
  16. There is a sweet dusty walker that is on sale for $68.50. It looks like it has been on sale since 1968. (ew..)
  17. Isle #10 the baby isle. Baby items are sharing an isle with toilet paper. Makes sense. White and fuffy.
  18. There is some type of pink hose that looks like a snake that it running through the store. It's under the shleves, not entirely sure why.. but hey, it's Kroghetto.
  19. The frozen food isle, the floor tile has now changed to black and off white strips. I can see how consistent this store is. 
  20. On top of the freezers of the frozen food are Crock pots, knife sets and cookers. 
  21. Wine is the only thing in the store that has a nice set up, on a wooden shelf. 
  22. Now it's the Doggie food isle. I've never had to buy dog food before, my parents always took care of that. But I guess I never realized how expensive it is. $23 for a Med size bag. 
  23. I wonder if the smaller the product the better quality something is, because that seems to be the case with name brand items or just any items. 
  24. The prettier products also are more expensive, it's like you're paying that extra dollar to look at a prettier marketing on the product. 
  25. Kitty food. I've also never looked at the Kitty food products, but they are smaller.. makes sense.. cats are smaller than dogs. All of the marketing on the kitty things are white cats for more fancy kitty's and brown and white cats for the Fresh Step litter, I guess for normal middle class cats? 
  26. Pringal Chips next to the Cat litter. Not what I expected.
  27. Hello Coffee machine in the cereal/breakfast isle. That is pretty cool, you can make your own coffee. Cool beans? 
  28. After pushing a cart around for 30 mins, I am annoyed with how heavy it is.. being that it is completely empty. Annoying.
  29. Hey! there's a stole in the chip isle. That is great. They should have one is every isle for the vertically challenged people. 
  30. Baskets for the fruit display, nice touch. More appealing. 
  31. The lighting in the fruit section has drop lighting and the rest of the store has the florescent bulb lighting. 
  32. Balloons in the flashy Valentines displays help fill the space between the products and the ceiling. 
  33. Either the music or the lighting is giving me a headache. 
  34. I've actually never walked down the card isle in this Kroger before. 
  35. They have printer ink that is on the shelf, just up for grabs. At places such as Walmart they have the printer ink on display but it's usually locked up so people can't steal or get it without an employee knowing. 
  36. But I observed when I walked past the service desk I saw that condoms and pregnancy tests were kept behind the counter, so they are not able to be purchased unless requested.. Hmmm priorities? 
  37. There is a Hallmark sign above the card isle, although not all of the cards are Hallmark.
  38. Chief - Guy Feieri has an advertisement for Wheat thins, Ritz and Triscuit. 
  39. The food that is displayed below the advertisement is Oreo and Velveeta cheese. 
  40. While walking to the check out, there is a small display of dairy that is outside of the actual dairy section. WIN! Perfect placing and just what I needed to grab before I forgot. 
  41. The carts here suck. They are heavy and never go straight. 
  42. Self check outs are always better. The awkward silence and staring while a cashier is ringing you out isn't for me. 
  43. The parking lot here is so annoying.
  44. There are always/usually bums standing near by just waiting you to walk by so they can ask for 35 cents.
  45. Construction is awesome. I can't wait for the new building.
  46. The marketing of Flu shots and Whooping cough are always helpful.

February 7, 2011


 Introduction to Cradle to Cradle.. hey, this book is not a tree. Well going into the introduction the first couple of pages were terrifying news. Although it's always in the back of my mind, on how things are made and what they are made of. The chair and the fibers within the chair was a nice touch to add though, a lot of people including myself have probably never thought about that type of thing. Then he goes on to how things are made, such as in other countries and who makes them. After I read that I not only starting thinking about environmental changes with the product and machinery used. But who exactly was making the product. Most toys and products come with a Made in China label stamped on the bottom. So how do "we" The United States know that the materials used in the making of the products are safe. Even though they "say" they are changing materials to make them safer, if they haven't already. But they also "say" that child labor laws are illegal but that doesn't stop India in displaying wrongful child labor in unsafe conditions..

Okay okay, now I am just rambling on with nonsense that is running through my mind. But also my dad just happens to work for the Franklin County Commissioners Office which also runs the Franklin County Waste Facility. So in honor of trying to read this book I will further my investigation and see if I can conduct any interviews or comments from the workers there. Such as finding out how much waste Franklin County goes through as a whole, where the waste goes after it's thrown away, do materials that contain harmful products harm the earth after buried, will it always be there and etc.



In Wednesday's lecture we talked about Color (weeee). But no really, I actually enjoyed the lecture. Because I already knew about most of the topic but learned a little at the same time. (I love that because it makes the student feel smart when it's a type of review).

Okay, so I went a little over board on my RR05. So I am going to make this short and sweet. The videos at the end could use some help, except the last two. Not to offend you! I hope not to anyway, but I don't know what it is about extended amounts of talking but it just sends me into "not paying attention land". Except the last two videos. They were sweet, got right to the point and actually had great products. 

  • The water bottle = freaking awesome and I really want to get it. It would save not only the grocery bill each month on having to buy cases of purified water from Kroger. AND saving from using the plastic from those water bottles and wrappers etc. The most important part is that people in other countries that are suffering and dieing without clean water CAN actually purify their own water. That just makes me REALLY happy! :)
  • The incubator, also awesome idea. The little wrap with the wax used to keep pre-mature babies warm until they grow stronger is so clever. Love that idea and hope it follows through. 

February 2, 2011


Clue 1: The first clue included the Barcelona Chair. The Barcelona Chair can be found in various buildings on campus. The place we found ours was in the Fine Arts Library. The Barcelona was designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in 1929. The chair actually won an award in 1977 of the Museum of Modern Art Award.
Clue 2: In the Knowlton School of Architecture’s Library there are so many interesting chairs to choose from but we chose the Red and Blue chair. The name of the chair is literally the Red and Blue Chair. It was designed in 1917 by Gerrit Rietveld. The chair in located in the library portion of Knowlton.The magazine we chose to "read" is called the Wallpaper Magazine. It actually is a interesting section of reading. It features art, architecture, design, fashion, lifestyle, technology and cars.
 Clue 3: The building that was designed by Peter Eisenman is called the Wexler Center for the Arts in 1989, along with architect Richard Trott. The building is made up of complex grids and a collision of textures. The Wexler Center is considered of Deconstructivist design, where he creates somewhat of a controversy with buildings that seems to be disconnected or just our of their traditional aspect. 
 Clue 4: This clue included Phillip Johnson and the Mathematics Tower and the Science and Engineering Library. The two buildings were finished in 1992 by Philip Johnson and John Burgee with Collins, Reimer & Gordon Architects. 

The two buildings were actually designed in inspiration (in small amount) of Eisenman's Wexler Center. In each of the two buildings, Johnson creates interesting patterns and elegant use of materials (brick) within what is easily known as an educational structure.

Clue 5: This clue included the Thompson Library. This is Ohio States main and largest library on campus. The building was actually constructed in 3 different phases. The original building, which was a Second Italian Renaissance Revival Style Structure opened in 1913. Then renovated in 1951, which added 14 level stacks tower with wings and added pavilions, then finally completed in 1977. 

I did a little more research on all of the clues and seeing how I did not know much about any of the clues or designers, I went online to help with my descriptions. 

Works Cited

January 31, 2011




Hasket CH 7-8 

In chapter 7 he talked about cultural boundaries of designing. The example i paid most attention to were the defending of the tradition with old and new BT telephone kiosks. Although in the United States today, we rarely have telephone kiosks except the larger cities such as New York. But they are still the traditional pay phones that have been around for years. The older ones like they showed in the pictures are common in Europe, the style that is. The traditional style is attractive to people that would not normally see a red box kiosk with windows in it. The newer ones look completely different and sort of up to date but i think they are less attractive in a sense of design. Which this is when the cultural boundaries come in to play. 

Chapter 7 quote: Cultural identity is not fixed, like a fly in amber, but is constantly evolving and mutating, and design is a primary element in stimulating the awareness of possibilities. 

In chapter 8 he discussed the system of design, such things like keyboards road signs etc. One thing that i understood from this chapter was that in different cultures and places they work and read differently than the United States. Which consists of navigating through the  city or town differently than here. So the design of their road signs are going to have to be read through a way that they can under stand. One of the pictures that they showed in the book was a sign used in Hong Kong and it had so much writing on the road sign that I couldn't even piece together what it could even possibly say. The design of that road sign was so that the people of Hong Kong will understand it before an American could. Basically a small example of the system of coping with diversity. 

January 30, 2011



The lecture included ways of obtaining ways of easy access for the disabled. Everyday things like sidewalks and steps don't seem like a big deal to a person who does not have a disability. I liked the idea of having the class actually try to find a way in and out of a building with out using the stairs or making a project of something of the sort. Making a documentary would be a good idea. Such as discovering the struggles of the different obstacles that a disabled person would come across in a single day. 

The movie clip of the newly designed automatic wheel chair was a great idea but there was just something about it that didn't seem like it could fit everyone and could potentially be a dangerous thing in some hands. Not necessarily a bad thing but the whole balancing on two wheels just doesn't seem practical in some cases. Such as someone who weighs a great amount, let's say 250-300 lbs. Balancing on two wheels while reaching for high objects.. does not seem like the greatest idea. Although the movie did just show a few things about the wheel chair and they were all really good things and ideas that could work in some cases. But there is a reason why the chair is not popular today and those could be factors holding it back. All in all the movie and the lecture did get me thinking more about the disabled and things that could make their lives as easy to move around as ours.

January 24, 2011



1. Donald Deskey; Industrial Design. Born November 23rd 1894 - April 29th 1989. From Blue Earth, Minnosoda

  • Studied in architecture at USC but didn't follow through with the major. But instead he became an artist and pioneer in the industrial design program.
  • In the 30's, he won the competition to design the interiors for Radio City Music Hall.
  • In 1940, he developed a decortative form of plywood which had a unique striated, or combed, look to it.
  • It was produced under the name Weldec and was very popular in the 1950's.
  • Also in the 40's he designed the Cresr toothpaste packaging, the Tide bullseye as well, widely used in NYC.
  • He died in the town of Vero Beach, Flordia.
  • The same beach in which he retired in, in the 70's
April Greiman; she was a contemporary designer (Born in 1948).
  • She was recognized as one of the 1st designers to embrace the computer technology as a reliable tool starting in 1984.
  • she heads Los Angeles-based design consultancy Made in Space.



Learning the Design process is the one of the most entertaining parts of learning about design so far. The step by step process of the process was the most fulfilling of information.

The movie we watched, The Deep Dive was a documentary of a design company that showed their process in designing a product. Their process was basically like the fun version of the list in the lecture. Showing how they would make a newly designed shopping cart with all of the present issues people normally have with shopping cart. Such as they are unsafe with children in the seats, they are bulky and unable to move from side to side, to name just a few.




As a college student is meant to explore while their time here, experiments with things such as alcohol and as everyone knows when someone consumes too much alcohol in a such period of time, things become blurry and people loose and miss place things that they would not normally loose in their daily activities. One of the most important objects in a persons life is their phone. It has all of their contacts and source of internet when you forgot you laptop and you have most boring lecture to sit through. You're Blackberry or iPhone is definately like a part of your life and it is devistasting when you went downtown last thursday and left it in the taxi you took home or flushed it down in the Taco Bell toilet (gross, noway i would put my hand in there).

So I took a survey just to see how many students really have this same problem.

The followign are the questions I asked..

-How many phones in 1 year does a college student (you) go trough?
-When are you more likely to loosed your phone? (like certain time of year or quarter)
-How much money do you have to spend on phone's in 1 year?
-Does drinking have a part in the phone loss?
-Do you or your parents have to have to pay for the phone loss?

Out of 20 students, The amount of phone's they have to get during 1 year.

Basically what i have discovered is that, out of 20 college students that were entered in the survey loose at least 1 phone in a 1 year time period. The most volnerable time to loose your phone is during the Summer time (more time on your hands to drink? maybe). With 10 guys and 10 girls it seems that guys spend more money on their phone replacements than girls do. With all of the amounts added up between the 20 came out to be a little over $4500.00, in a year, which is just replacing their lost phone. Finally, it seems that mom and dad have had enough of us loosing our mobile's and do not fork over as much cash as most think. Over 75% of students have to pay for their own new phones. Which adverages out to be about $250 a phone.

I am simply amazed with this small survey that shocking took me by suprise that we college students are being so unresponsible with our most presious devices and in the end have to spend a ton of money that we clearly do not have to replace them. I would like to see what would happen with a much larger survey and more options. Or possibly what phone designers could do to maybe make phones easier to track down or more durable to our fast pace lives.

January 19, 2011



My first image is a sombrero that i have in my room. I really liked the texture of the weaving and the shininess.  

 The second image is also a hat but again with the weaving of the material, it can easily be influenced in other aspects besides just a hat.
 My third image is actually a lamp shade. Lamps are commonly used indoors but the material has a texture that seems like it could be weather proof and the fact that this lamp was made in the 70's most likely.
 The fourth image is an indoor use only door, most commonly seen for bedrooms. This is probably not something you want to use for an entrance door or any door that is used for out door use. The texture looks like man made grainy and painted white.
 The next couple are the outsides of apartment buildings although they look very different, they all hold up to the harsh Ohio weather and build for long term use.
 Red brick has a lot more character than the cream flat colored one. Although serving the same purpose, but has a more vintage look.
 White brick. I like this one the least out of the three. I'm not really sure why, but it's something about the over all characteristic of the complex that isnt very thrilling with the white brick. I say go red brick or go home.
 The different ground/flooring is the next three. This is a side walk right outside of my apartment complex. It gets very icy in the winter (as do all sidewalks) I like this one better than a normal side walk mostly because it has a different line frame than a normal one. It gives you something to look at while walking on the 5 feet of it.
 This is the flooring in my apartment kitchen. As you can tell it looks like it's from the 70's with the vinal type than is actually screwed into the floor and not pasted like real tile. I really hate this floor, I just decided to pick it for my top 10 because of how bad it is and everyone should know that this is never okay to put in any place at any time for any reason.
This is my neighbors garden mulch. I picked this because I like the red and it was actually outside of the white brick complex which is props to whoever did that, using conflicting colors to make the complex stand out.



   The slide show for the class basically in a whole just told about the different aspects of design and how each of branch of design is different and carry completely different purposes. A couple of the facts that I recall from the lecture were the perks from each branch and how they worked. 
    To begin with Industrial Design came first because of the Industrial Revolution with the mass production and quantity over quality. The quote "that form follows function" sticks out to me in Industrial design and Louis Sullivan, whom i think was considered the father of modern technology, also sticks out to me in this section. 
    Next, Interior Space Designers whom are not architects, design how a space works on the inside to make a functional public environment. Not to be confused with Interior Decorators. Those are the people on HGTV who design a living space for a specific person at a time in their own living area. An Interior Space Designers also creates for other people but more or less a mass quantity of people. Such as just the public in general. 
   Then to Visual Design, which takes the printing part into play. With logos, letterheads, business cards and etc. Their primary considerations are to inform, educate, persuade, and entertain. Visual Design goes further into things like symbolism and typography of text. 
    Basically, from the lecture I learned the more important roles that can come from design which include medical and etc which are not only dealing with the safety of the consumer but also their lives may depend on it also. Which can be misleading to most who do no know exactly what design is. Most may think it is just an aspect of art and nothing to do with anyone. But in reality it has everything to do with everyone.

January 10, 2011

Course Reflection 01 (CR01)

I am interested in the topic of design because I like creating new things that would benefit other people in day to day living. I am looking forward to getting a better idea about design and how to become a better problem solver when it comes to design. I am intending to major in Interior Design. I am taking this class because it is a prerequisite for Interior Design. At first I was concerned with the making of a blog and having to turn our assignments in via blog post. But I have become more comfortable with it and now getting know more about it. My adviser told me about the course and advised me to take it before I took my entrance exam.

January 9, 2011

Journal 01 (J01)

Hi! I’m Amberly McGee. Quick fun fact is my middle initial is a D. So my full name is Amberly D McGee. My parents thought they were being so clever. So anyway, I am a (hopefully) going to be an Interior Design major and a minor of Fine Arts or Art History. I am not entirely sure about anything just yet, I just know I enjoy art and design so I’m just going to see how things work out. I am from a little town about an hour east of Columbus. It sucks. I really love Columbus and never want to live in a small town ever again. I love trying new things and there is always something new in Columbus. I am a 3rd year here and will most likely have to be here for a long time, a 5th year looks like it’s in the future. I am a fun person who is always up for new things with new people and I just love little puppies. I am also a very open person and willing to answer any questions anyone has for me. So if there is anything else you would want to know just ask!

Reading Reflection 01 (RR01)

Driver Take Me to the James

                The article basically just explains some of the details about the design of a new hotel in New York. Telling about the “cool” aspects that make this hotel different from other hotels and why someone would want to stay there. The writer of the article explains the designers and their goal with the hotel. Thoughts about the design started in the 90’s and production started in 2007 and just recently opening. He describes The James hotel as a “hip place to stay” and also “the area's most unconventional art space”. Which to me after reading that much The James hotel isn’t just any normal “Inn” but something that was a piece of art that is meant to be looked at and enjoyed. Some of the aspects that are pleasing are the high ceilings that stretch upwards at 15 feet high, “the end wall that is completely covered in thousands of old typewriter and keyboard keys, a site-specific art installation called QWERTY 5. Hugging this wall, a staircase entices guests up to the hotel's restaurant” and the "strong architectural presence".    This article is most interested me because of how the writer described the value and presence of the hotel. After reading the article I wanted to visit The James hotel just so I could have the experience of staying in a “piece of art”. The design of the hotel was not only to meet the luxurious needs of wealthy travelers but to have aesthetically pleasing aspects that interest designers. I think this article does have an impact on design. The describing of the minor details that were planned out that make this hotel a place to enjoy and get the experience of the city. Someone might want to read this article if they were visiting New York and wanted to stay somewhere that would be aesthetically pleasing. Also future designers may want to visit The James for idea purposes and the experience.